From my last post you all know that emmy lou and i moved yet again. The best part: we literally moved 2 houses down. If it is possible this house is even better than the last. Why? WE now have the best landlord known to man, who understands that Texas is in a drought and it is impossible to keep plants alive. Yes thats right our last landlord ripped 400 bones out of our deposit to pay for the the wimpy plants the home owner planted right before summer. She's a smart one. Emmy lou and I being the "we can do it, we don't need help despite the many offers decided to move our 2000SF house into 1000SF in one week by carrying all our furniture down the side walk. I am pretty sure our neighbors though we were crazy. It was only 100 big deal! We did however draw the line at the sofa...When all was said and done this is how we live for more than a week. Where's emmy lou? Can you find her?
I see I need to get on blogger more to keep up with you :) Glad you have a better landlord and I know if anyone can make 1000 sf fabulous... its you!!! hugs, ara